Property:Endocarp width A Text property defining a single value. Structure: endocarp Character: width A size property A subproperty of fruit A Part of fruit Types of endocarp width None. Parts of endocarp width None. Usage15previous 5,0002050100250500next 5,000FilterShowing 15 pages using this property.AAcrocomia +thick +Acrocomia totai +thick +CCocos +thick +Cocos nucifera +thick +DDypsis +thin +Dypsis lutescens +thin +EElaeis +thick +Elaeis guineensis +thick +RRhodotypos +thick +Rhodotypos scandens +thick +SSyagrus +thick +Syagrus romanzoffiana +thick +WWashingtonia +thin +Washingtonia filifera +thin +Washingtonia robusta +thin + Category: Size